Ag United is an approach and offering unlike anything the ag industry has ever seen. We bring the unmatched might of technical and process know-how in the ag communications space right to your dealership’s front door, back lot, and in the field with your customers. We put your dealership and business first by giving you the tools, insights, materials, and longevity to get the results you want now and in the future.

We work on your behalf with the manufacturer and independently to drive effort and investment to the places that benefit your dealership. We not only have leading-edge capabilities backed by over a decade of experience in the ag industry, but we also have the advantage of being solely focused on your success.

A plan for your success

The core of our program is planning. We review current and expected inventory, current sales and marketing strategies, budgets, goals, and industry trends to build a specific plan around each machine. This planning considers profitability, used trade-ins and OEM programs to support and reward sales.

Telling your dealership story

The story of the family-owned dealer is a rich one and we are determined to tell it the right way. This multi-format campaign talks about why relationships still matter in this business above all else.

Managing your used

One of our earliest objectives was to create a supporting system for helping marketing used equipment. Our solution provides a wide array of materials in nearly every format as well as a few direct-to-customer concepts that get the right messages to the right people.

The right place and the right time

One of the best times to have a conversation with a prospective customer about a planter is while they’re planting—needs, wants and expectations are front and center. Yet, the ability to get in the cab with every potential customer is daunting so we developed a solution that provides rich content every day during the planting season. The Agronomy Works podcast brings insight and humor together in a show featuring dealers, agronomists, farmers, corporate CEO’s and even a former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture.

Not just selling equipment

Our dealers told us one of the biggest obstacles they face is attracting top quality talent. We responded with a campaign that tells the story of how meaningful a career supporting farmers can be and how our dealers are a great place to practice and hone their craft.

Looking smart is being smart

Many of our dealers have taken the opportunity of a logo redesigned to reflect not only their rich past, but their ambitions for the future. We provided the one-on-one support and individual attention needed to help create the right look for these proud family-owned businesses.

Thought leadership at ground level

After planting season concludes, we bring a content-rich video series to support the sales of planters during order writing. This dealer led program features discussions on multiple practices, test plots and deep analysis of the results so prospects can learn how and how much they can improve their results.

Competent and continuous counsel

Perhaps the most valued part of our program is the direct work with those that have decades of experience in the ag business. We consult on events, media, signage, selling strategies and nearly every other issue in the sales and marketing world of a dealership.

The program

Our process is different than a typical marketing and sales support service. We begin by recruiting a cohort of dealers with similar goals, products, and perspectives. Next, we work with the cohort to determine which services and projects are most meaningful and when they should occur. After an agreement is reached, the projects are scheduled, executed, and delivered.

We maintain regular communication with our dealer partners individually and as a group, sharing insights, soliciting feedback and training.

Our partners pay a monthly fee for service. We do not markup media or services delivered by others. Monthly fees cover all costs to develop and deliver materials for activation. For services not covered by our fees, we work to achieve lower pricing for our partners.

Our story

We’ve spent years engaged in sales and marketing from the manufacturers’ point of view— time well spent— but our heart has always been and continues to be with the many dealership friends and families we’ve met along the way. Finally, it’s the need. Dealerships and their sales and marketing efforts are supported differently these days. Some of the new methods of supporting dealers are remarkable improvements. Some are excellent opportunities.

The way a dealer markets and sells a piece of equipment varies from crop, product use, location, and the age of the equipment. Each dealer exists within a space of unique practices, characteristics, and communication channels. The dealers’ perspective is honed by their accountability to their own bottom line. While we don’t believe that others don’t care or empathize with the dealer, it’s that no one has more to gain or lose from a dealer’s choices than the dealer themselves. It clarifies their thinking and sharpens their focus.

We believe it takes years to gain the sort of insight and self-reflection to understand what you are the best at. We believe this is a calling for us.

Over the years, we have visited dealerships, walked in fields, rummaged through back lots looking for parts for our Gleaner G, shared meals and had heartfelt discussions about your views, concerns, and needs. And in that time, we’ve tried to create marketing plans that would appreciate your needs and give you value on the front-line selling equipment. Yet, in all that time, our plans had to be directed, prioritized, or resourced by someone other than the dealer.

Why can’t there be an effort that is entirely led by dealers? An effort that seeks and serves what matters to dealer profitability. Some of the largest dealers already have marketing departments that rival the size of the manufacturer. So, what if the dealers organized to share resources, assets, and cost— independent of the manufacturer?

What could be possible if the need to move used equipment was prioritized by the dealer? What if all assets were easily and quickly available for dealer use? What could be possible if marketing plans were created all the way down to the dealer level with the full understanding and experience of people who know exactly how the system works but are no longer beholden to it?

Our plan is a simple one. We work with you and other dealers to find, organize, create, and customize strategies, messages, and execution to reach your sales and marketing objectives. In sharing the costs with your fellow dealer, you get access to tools and services that are beyond what most manufacturers will provide. While we have been your partners for years, we’re offering to take that partnership to a whole new level based on honesty, transparency, and shared success.


The program is transparent. I know what I’m buying, and I know where the costs are. There are no mark-ups, commissions, or inflated prices. The content is top quality. It shows a knowledge of agriculture and our customers. I know the people I’m working with for my marketing. They are accessible, honest, and quick. There’s no maze of bureaucracy or people dodging responsibility. Perhaps the most concrete result we have seen was right after we sent out our magazine. It’s a great looking piece with our content in it. A few days after sending it out, a customer walked in the door with it in his hand and wanting to buy a combine we featured. That’s the result we’re looking for.

Bruce Baldwin

Kalvesta Implement, Co., Kalvesta, Kansas


Working with Snowden Tatarski has been a huge benefit to our family-owned dealership. Jeff has fantastic ideas and visions. Tatarski has skills in producing professional pieces from videos to print ads and even a magazine that represents our dealership. It isn’t a magazine for our brand that has a story of some guy 1,000 miles away with our logo on the back. It is what we want, our information with our used machinery, our dealership focused.

Marketing is about building momentum and that’s what these have started. People starting to find a podcast during planting, then they were followed up with a magazine and now are seeing a video series coming through YouTube, shareable to our Facebook and other avenues.

For me personally I feel that I am plenty capable of marketing.  I have a minor in marketing, I enjoy marketing, not to brag but it’s kind of my thing… except for I don’t have time. I have ideas, I have a vision of what I want but I don’t act or get it done. Working with these guys has allowed me to have someone complete those projects!

Bottom line is these guys KNOW our products. They know the Gleaner combine, they know our Massey Planters and Precision Planting. They know what farm machinery is, they know our machinery. They aren’t advertising last year’s models or putting inaccurate information or photos into our ads. They understand our need to attract talented techs and put a great campaign together with videos, web banners, print ads to help us do that very thing. They understand and have experience in our industry. That’s invaluable from a marketing agency. Most ad agencies can make something look flashy and catch someone’s eye. But do they send the message that YOU want them to send for YOUR dealership?

Mitch Merz

Merz Farm Equipment, Falls City, Nebraska


We have known Snowden Tatarski since the “Biener” era of the good ole Gleaner days. Jeff put his heart and soul into building an outstanding reputation for Gleaner and its dealers that would make the competition’s heads spin. He was not afraid to make that little innuendo in his ads or commentary that would make the other colors stand at attention and keep us rolling in our seats as we had never experienced any advertising or promotion to our products like this before!

And now Jeff and Richard are “on their own”— and have come to us asking for our business; asking for our faith in them— to be the best they can be— and to bring our brands of equipment “back to life.” We, for one, are not and have not been happy with the quantity or quality or lack there-of brand advertising we have been getting in the past few years. The brand image has again been squashed by our competition, simply because we have nothing to put in front of the consumers to sway them any differently. However, after a year with Jeff and his teammate— we are above satisfied with the “bang for our buck” we are currently getting. Jeff will go above and beyond for anyone that asks anything of him. He has put together some new avenues for advertising that we were lacking. His creative sinks deep into the soul of customers— it isn’t about “corporate” business— it’s about OUR business— and us as dealerships and our people. That’s who customers buy from! From magazines, to podcasts, to web, or social media and even the “old school” way of advertising on radio or print— Snowden Tatarski offers us an entourage of elements to choose from. We will continue to support Snowden Tatarski in the future, as they have shown effective ways of advertising for our dealership far beyond our expectations.

Carlie Davidson

Osceola Implement, Osceola, Nebraska


Bringing in Snowden-Tatarski has made our marketing process more efficient, effective, and dare I say enjoyable. They’ve taken the majority of the responsibility off of my plate freeing up my time and energy to focus on other areas of the business.

We’ve seen numerous benefits in the last year from our partnership. The largest being the customized marketing strategy Jeff and Richard created for us. We were also provided high quality marketing materials to execute the strategy with. These materials have been extremely well received by our customers— in particular our new company magazine.

In creating this strategy, they helped us fully optimized the use of our co-op dollars from all brands. This included staying on top of the ever-evolving policies and deadlines to make sure no money sat unused.

The benefits don’t end there. The regular trainings, dealer community, and fresh perspective are also huge selling points for us.

Morgan Mendoza

Kalvesta Implement, Co., Kalvesta, Kansas


Their responsiveness really can’t be beat. They answer the phone, own the tasks, and take our success personal. The materials they make are easily accessible and always very good. We don’t worry about showing crops that are not grown in our region and anything less than how we would talk to our customers. If we need an ad customized or need help with media— they’re there and not simply charging us. We pay a single monthly fee. No markups, commissions or playing gotcha. They’re on our team and it shows.

Michelle Brady

Del-Clay Farm Equipment, Edgewood, Iowa


I told them that near the top of my list is recruiting and hiring great people. Snowden Tatarski responded with a comprehensive and excellent campaign with everything from billboards to banner ads to videos and it worked! I work with a lot of manufacturers– nobody gives this level of service. And it’s not always something nefarious (though sometimes it absolutely is!) it’s the fact that the manufacturer has to think about their business within my business and not the whole dealership. I don’t blame them for looking out for them. But the fact is that I have to keep this whole place successful, and I need a marketing partner with the same outlook. In the end, a strong Deike Implement helps every brand we sell but the main brand we have to take care of is our own. Snowden Tatarski gets that and does it for us.

Jason Deike

Deike Implement, Waverly, Iowa

706-543-9037  |

© Snowden Tatarski Corporation. All other trademarks are registered to their respective owners. All rights reserved.